Monday, May 14, 2012

Au revoir

Today, I boarded my plane from Charles de Gaulle airport, after spending my last week in France site-seeing around Paris. After four and a half truly wonderful months in France, I had to made the walk down the jetway and into the steel cocoon that would take me home.

It's been a difficult goodbye. I've had so many experiences and met so many new, great people. I wish I could have stayed in Lyon, or even just France.

It seems like just yesterday I was making the exact same trip, but in the opposite direction. Now, the excitement that I experienced on my way over is replaced by distress at having to leave.

While on my plane ride from London, I could help but to look at the "flight time remaining" with a little bit of a sense of dread, knowing that every passing minute, I was getting farther and farther away from Lyon, France, and Europe. But, while physical distance now separates me from Lyon as I write this in the Seattle, Lyon and the memories/ people I've met will always be close to me.

It could be said that this chapter of my life has closed, and a new one will open. But, I like to think that I will re-read this chapter in the future and get back over to Europe.

One more leg in my journey awaits me before I land back in Boise. One more flight before I have to return to reality. But for now, I leave you with a rhyme I wrote earlier and posted to facebook:

Au revoir Lyon, it's been great, it's been fun, and now, sorry to say, it's over and done, it's been awesome comin to France, doin a little party and dance, I've had a blast meeting everyone, and I hate to run, but the time has run out, it's the setting sun, a new day is on the horizon, I can sort of see, but I'm stuck in the shadows of yesterday, cause it's been amazing, I've met so many great people, and had such great times, and made lasting friendships that will bind, this isn't goodbye, cause it's never the end, this is simply, see ya again :)