Tuesday, February 28, 2012

The Great Sponge Resurrection

Last week, I was washing my dishes. I was using my sponge and looking at it, thinking that I should probably throw it away and start using a new one. I had used the same sponge for about a month. So, I threw it in the trash and pulled out a fresh, new sponge.

Later that day, I went back into the kitchen to wash some dishes again. I saw my sponge by the sink, which was not where I had left it. I always know which one is my sponge, because sadly and grossly, it is the only yellow one in the kitchen. I picked it up to use it, and noticed that it looked really worn and used. This struck me as weird. It was also really wet, and I always ring out my sponge. Then, an idea struck me. An idea that I thought was too absurd to be true.

It ran across my mind, that possibly, this was not my new sponge. Possibly, this was my old sponge.

But how did it get out of the garbage and back onto the sink? Had my old sponge risen from the dead to take up its post as Lord of the Sink again? Was it angry that I had tried to throw it away? Suddenly, fear and terror gripped me. But then, a more logical explanation came to mind.

I thought that perhaps one of my roommates, took my old sponge out of the trash and was now using it. I looked back at the sink and noticed that there was one less brown sponge in the sink.

I then looked to the spot where I remembered putting my new sponge. Sure enough, there it sat.

Still not believing that my idea might be true, I looked at the trash. A quick look, and I found no trace of the old sponge I had thrown away.

It perplexes me on who would take a sponge out of the trash and WHY?  I mean, I see the logic in upgrading from a brown sponge (possibly 5 months old?) to a one month old sponge. But, c'mon man!?! Sponges are 1 euro for a 2 pack at the grocery store. Could you not "splurge" this month on a new sponge?

"I just don't think I can afford a new sponge this month. I mean, who do they think I am, Bill Gates. I don't have that type of money laying around."

Well, at least there are two yellow sponges now......

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