Saturday, April 14, 2012

T minus one month

As of today, I officially have one month left in France. It is a fact that I don't like to think about. This semester has been awesome. I have so many great experience and met so many new, great people and I would love to be able to stay.

A fellow student here put it in the best words. We love it here because it is not real. It is in fact surreal. We all live, without jobs and pretty much without school. You can't really call what we do here school work. We live without the stresses of everyday life.

I have done so much within the last few weeks. I went to the Loire Valley and saw some amazing châteaux and this past week I voyaged to Barcelona and then the Cote d'Azur to Nice, Monaco, and Cannes (too much to go back and write about...I may have to just let a few pictures tell the stories instead). I've had such a great experience while abroad, and I just don't want it to end.

The days continue to tick off, and with each X on the calendar (figurative calendar, I don't actually sit here and cross off each day....I do have a life) I can't help but feel a little sad. At least I'm going home to summer break and not another semester of school. It would not have been fun to come here the first semester and go back to Boise for the spring semester of school. 

But, I must try to not look at the hour glass as my time in France runs out. Instead, I have to make every last sand grain count. One last month before I leave for Boise, one last month to get a little noisy.

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