Sunday, January 8, 2012

Le premier week-end

My first full day in Lyon was Saturday. I awoke and ate the hostel's "breakfast" if you can call it that.  It consisted of bread (baguette) and some cereal. Oh well, it held me till lunch. There was a meeting for Internationl Business Students (IBP) at 2, but I left early and started walking around Lyon. I got a better look of the cathedral I saw the previous night and snapped pictures everywhere. There is so much great architecture everywhere. I continued to walk and found out where the school was. For lunch, I went to a place that had "N.Y. Hotdogs," mostly because it said it had free wifi. I was able to get on the internet and send some emails.

After lunch I went over to the school for the meeting. The IBP club was so nice in helping us get cell phones, transportation passes, and showing us around the school. I met some other people within the international program. The first person I met was a lady, Kathryn, from Endinburgh, England. I also met a girl, Cornelia from Austria as well as two girls from Taiwan. After I got all my stuff, I headed back to the hostel.

There was another club meeting scheduled for 9 to go to a bar. I left the hostel early to go in search of a towel, but realized that I was stupid to have gone looking so late as most of the shops were now closed. Time was running out and I was getting hungry. We were supposed to meet at the McDonalds near Place Bellecour, so I decided why not just eat there.

I felt like such the stereotype - an American eating at McDonalds. I do have to say that it taste different, better. I have also noticed that all the soda over here is made with real sugar, because it taste different than corn syrup. I don't like to eat fast food, especially McDonalds, but I have now eaten it twice since leaving, once on the day I left before the plane ride in Boise. Well, now I can check of McDonalds on my list of things to do.

I met up with the other kids and we headed back to the area of where my hostel it to go to an Irish Pub. There, I met even more people whos names I forget. I met some fellow Americans from Virginia, a guy from Ireland, people native to Lyon and France. I spent a good amount of time talking to a girl, Lucile, who had lived in Lyon her whole and likes to dance ballet and Irish dance. I also met a girl, Bola, who was one of the leaders of the club. She loves movies and knows about the Hunger Games. She told me that there is a theatre near by that shows American movies and that the Hunger Games comes out in France two days earlier than in America. Yeah! I know have a friend to go see the movie with. While at the pub, they lowered a screen and started showing the NFL playoffs, Cincy vs. Houston. I love that I am half a world away and I can still get my football fill.

I went home and was able to skype family and friends back home, and I ended staying up till 2:30. Needless to say, I awoke late on Sunday and missed the "breakfast." I showered, still towel-less, and went out to explore Lyon even more. As soon as I crossed the Saone (river) I was right in the middle of a Sunday market. I walked up the market along the river bank and saw all sorts of things; meats, breads, cheeses, fruits, vegetables, bakery goods. This is definitley the place to go for groceries. I finally reached the end of the market and continued to go to a place I had seen from my window. It was cathedral with two different styled towers. I found the cathedral and snapped some pics and then something else caught my attention.

I saw this magnificent blue roof with gold accents. I walked to this building, which I found out was the Hotel de Ville, or city hall. It puts our city hall to shame. While I was in the square, I also saw this gorgeous statue/fountain. It is called the Fountaine Bartholdi and it was made by the same guy who made the Statue of Liberty. It is a women seated upon a chariot pulled by four wild horses. It was absolutely magnificent. I love the fact that I am surrounded by so much history. I continued to walk around and went back to the hostel. I think I walked about 10 miles today. After a nap, I went out to dinner and had pizza, which was really good. It is very true, all the food here is so much better. That is something that I can definitely get used to.

I can't wait to move into my room tomorrow and then I'll upload all of the pictures that I have been taking.
Au revoir hostel!

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