Sunday, January 15, 2012

Mon premier semaine (My first week)

I can't believe that it has been a week (plus some) since I first arrived in Lyon. What a difference a week makes. I went from not having the slightest clue to where I needed to go Friday after I got off the plane to feeling like I know this place like the back of my hand. Well, at least I know how to get around.

I am pretty much settled into my residence now. Over the past week I have been able to slowly but surely pick up a few things. I went to IKEA on Friday and I was able to finally get a blanket and a pillow. I had been sleeping with only sheets and my pillow I used on the airplane. I am now more comforable when I sleep.

On Thursday night, I bought a pot at a grocery store and was able to cook some dinner. I had raviolis and some pasta sauce, but that was not my first meal. The first meal I had at my place was a sandwhich and some microwave-able rice. No cooking utensils required.

I finished getting things for my place yesterday when I went to the mall. I went to a place called Carrefour, which is like a french Walmart. I was able to get most everything on my list: razor, shampoo, conditioner, cleaning things (swiffer, trash bags, sponge, soap), hand soap, notebooks and some food of course. I bought nutella for the first time. I don't know why I have never bought it before. I pretty much just ate that and bread yesterday for my lunch. Unfortunately you will not find peanut butter in France...sad day.

Note to self: never go to the mall on a Saturday again....never!

I FINALLY received my code to access the WiFi from my room. I am so happy. Now my room does not seem so drab when I have to be in it. I was able to skype my mom and say hi. It is so nice to not to have to go to the school or to McDonalds to access the internet.

This week I also met more new people. I have been introduced to everyone that lives in my apartment. I even went to a place with the French girl (Sarah). She and her friends showed me that there is a room in another building where I am staying that has pool tables and foosball tables. I learned that foosball has a different name here; baby foot. They asked me if I wanted to play baby foot, and I had no idea what that was, until I saw the table.

I also went out to a club Wednesday night. It was in a sketchy part of town. I got off the tram at 10:30. I walked on the road and saw a place that kind of looked like where the party was. I asked the bouncer if it was the place for the "New Year's party" (that's what they called it at the school) and he said no. That building was No.3. I noticed on my ticket that it said something about No. 175. I preceded to walk all the way down to building 175. I found 174 and knew I was not in the right place. I definitely did not feel at ease walking in this area. I turned around and started walking back. I went back past the club and saw two girls my age. I showed them my ticket and asked if this was the right place. They said yes.....

Once I got inside, I noticed that it was pretty much empty. It was 11:30. Apparently the French don't go out until like 12:30-1. The party was okay, but I don't think I will go back. I prefer to talk and get to know people which you cannot do at a club.

After 12, all public transportation shuts down until like 5 in the morning. I left the club at 2, knowing I would have to walk home. My place was 4-ish miles away and half of the journey was uphill. I decided to jog the beginning and jogged/walked up the huge hill. I got home in about 35 min. As I was walking up to the entrance, two girls from the IBP that were also at the party, rolled up in a taxi. It only cost them 14 euros total....I should have taken a taxi or split one with them....oh well.

I got up Thursday and took my photo for my ID card. We'll see how it turns out. The lady never told me when to smile, so I just sat there with a smile on my face, but then relaxed from time to time, waiting for her cue. I also changed up my schedule and paid for my ski trip. It's the first week in February and I can't wait to go.

Friday night I went ice skating. I thought the rink would be outside for some reason, so I brought my ski jacket and my hoody. It was inside and actually pretty warm. I almost ate it before we left the rink. It was closing and a french girl and I decided to race. Coming down the home stretch, I was striding and going as fast as I could. I am great at ice skating forward, but not so good at stopping. A wall of people started to form in front of me. Luckily I was able to duck under and coast around the rink one more time.

Saturday night, I met up with some american girls I had met. We went out to a French rertaurant and I got my first taste of true french food (other than the baguette sandwiches I had been eating). I had some sort of soup, a main dish with sausage, green beans, and au gratin potatoes, and for dessert was a raspberry crepe, MMMmmmmm.

Afterwards we went over to the Saint James pub (by the way, Irish pubs are big over here) and watched the playoff games between the 49ers and the Saints. One of the girls is from New Orleans and was obviously going for the Saints. I thought that the 49ers would win. I was right :) Apparently that place is like the only one that shows football games. I learned the the owner is American and likes the 49ers. Unfortunately, the place is closed on Super Bowl Sunday, as all the employees get to come in and watch the game on the projector screen without having to work at the bar. The boss comes in with nachos and hamburgers and they have a great time. I asked if they were hiring... I don't think they are.

I also finally put up my pictures on facebook. Many more are sure to come, but here are a few for you
Only one loaded without an error, so the rest had to be copy and pasted, that is why they are so big.

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